if you are getting below error while installing npm or any other component using npm npm ERR! code SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN npm ERR! errno SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN then a quick solution: Run this command npm config set strict-ssl false it will solve this issue. but if you want to use SSL then please upgrade your npm then allow it from proxy server or firewall. then execute this command: npm config set registry= "http://registry.npmjs.org/" happy testing.
Uiautomatorviewer is giving error “SWT folder '..\lib\location of your Java installation.' does not exist”
While using Anroid studio and launching the UIAutomatorviewer if you get below error: Uiautomatorviewer is giving error “SWT folder '..\lib\location of your Java installation.' does not exist Solution: Go to bin folder of Android studio Run sdkmanager.bat It will say java path is correct or not Update JAVA_HOME as new path where you installed java in program files Close the CMD Open command prompt and run sdkmanager.bat it will run pending jars then run uiautomatorviewer.bat it will work!!